Tag Archives: trader joe’s mandarin orange chicken

Day off? Not so much.

30 Jan

I feel like today has been crazy and hectic-just like a week day for me but hold up, it’s Sunday. I have tomorrow off from work yet again for more dental work. Yay. I have to get a crown and my appointment is in the afternoon so I just figured I should take the whole day off instead of going to work, cramming to get a bunch done and then leaving again for the day. I already had a ton of things to get done on Thursday afternoon that was going to be pushed until Tuesday so I went into work today. Ugh.

I wasn’t too thrilled to go in but I knew if I held off on this stuff I would be behind the rest of this week plus I wouldn’t have any distractions from other people, emails, calls, IM’s, etc. I knocked alot of stuff out-of-the-way but didn’t catch up completely. This week will go a little smoother for me though since I finished some of the major things I needed to finish. It was nice to have my Pandora playing without a care if someone didn’t like the song it was on and it felt wonderful to do some stretching and yoga moves in my cube while printing something out. When I was done, I went to Starbucks just to say hi to my baristas and they asked if I wanted any coffee. Naturally, the answer was yes so I scored a free coffee without even asking for it. I love my baristas!

It was another gorgeous day in Charlotte-sunny and 70–what what?? Global warming, you’re a tricky little minx but I’ll enjoy the nice days you give us in January. I drove around for a bit without a plan-I could go back home and do nothing. But it was around lunch time so I went to Panera (since me going twice in one day last week wasn’t enough). I went to a nice one to spice it up a bit and got the Pick Two combo with broccoli and cheddar soup with the smoked turkey sandwich. Classic, simple, yummy.

The food was enjoyable however I had horrible luck with seating. The booth in front of me had an older couple and the woman was on her phone the entire time—like before they even sat, through their meal and when I left. Hello rude! I wanted to invite the older gentleman over to my booth to lunch and we could talk about whatever–WWII, Jersey Shore, Obama, you name it. The ladies behind me were talking about their “friend” who has ugly children. And both tables were extremely loud and not trying to mask their volume whatsoever. I just don’t get it. I may take a quick call if I’m out with someone but I will step away and make it quick. How can someone have the nerve to be on their phone through an entire meal? Even though I was dining alone, I flipped through this cookbook that my sister got me for my birthday

There’s too much in this book that appealed to me and I forgot my mini post it’s which I always stick on recipes I want to try it. Still, it was fun to finally sit down was thing and see what it’s all about.

I got back home, hung out with Lincoln and took him out for a 30 minute walk then came back home and was restless. I couldn’t relax or sit back yet I really didn’t have anything that needed to be done right away. I flipped through the channels and nothing was on–which proves my point of Sundays suck without football. I ended up going to the gym even though I intended to have a day off. I did a 35 minute interval session on the Precor Crossramp. I did the entire session striding backwards which is surprising even to me since I rarely do an entire session going backwards. I’ve never done the interval session but actually enjoyed it and felt like the time breezed by!

I felt like doing a little more afterwards and did hip adduction (110 lbs, 2 sets) and hip abduction (135 lbs, 2 sets) sets then leg presses ( 180 lbs 14 reps, 2 set/220 lbs 14 reps, 2 sets).

Quite a nice burn–especially since I wasn’t even planning on going to the gym today!

Dinner was all Trader Joe’s tonight. I had a few pieces of Mandarin Orange Chicken that I wanted to use up

While I let that bake, I threw some mushrooms, red onion and sweet peppers into a pan and let cook with red pepper flakes, garlic, black pepper and soy sauce.

I had frozen broccoli warming up in the microwave and once that was finished, threw into the pan and let cook with spices and sauce

Soon, the veggies were finished and ready to eat!

Then, threw the chicken on top and a quick, healthy meal was set!

I grabbed my chopsticks and chowed down-this was a delicious meal even sans carbs!

30 Day Challenge. I’m choosing to answer there whenever as I’m not a girl who is disciplined and can stick to a plan.

Day 4-Your views on religion.

Religion is a touchy subject and I’m not a very religious person so this is going to be short and sweet. I pray every night but don’t go to church since I feel like I don’t get anything out of it. I don’t mind people who are ultra religious since they have that right to be but like anything, when you try to push your beliefs on me, that’s where I cross the line. Everyone deserves to have an opinion that should be respected but I hate when others try to push their beliefs/views on you.

All this being said, I’m tired. I feel like today wasn’t even a day off and I’m completely wiped. Explains the lame post huh? Hope everyones Sunday was a bit more exciting than mine.

*Do you dine solo?

*Ever try one of the Hungry Girl recipes? If so success or meh?


22 Nov

And no, not talking about the magazine. Highlights of this weekend! Cowfish was the main highlight of my weekend but I had some other fun things going on:

1) My first trip to Total Wine & More

I don’t know how I’ve never ventured in there before but when I walked in, I felt with one at the world. Wine, beer and other goodies? Again, I don’t know how I’ve never been. I went with one of my friends who had to pick up some booze for Turkey Day and after buying six bottles recently, I was just along for the ride. I stumbled upon some new items (new to me at least)

Hello Kitty bubbly. Now one of my childhood faves will get me drunk, I love it.

Saranac makes soda pop? New to me. I was tempted to buy the Shirley Temple but couldn’t justify spending $6.99 on a six-pack that won’t get me feeling good. I don’t know how I went into Total Wine and swooned over the non alcoholic beverages.

2) Phoenix Suns-Charlotte Bobcats game.

 I haven’t been to a game in two years and although it’s a gorgeous arena, nothing is really driving me to go. Charlotte is in last place in their conference and to be blunt, just suck. Not a lot of people go to the games and I am puzzled by how they are staying afloat (until I found out Michael Jordan is one of their owners). I went with a group of friends and we scored four seats together in the nosebleed section for $8 a person. Not too shabby at all! Even if they play horribly, it’s entertainment for a Saturday night. I wasn’t sure who to root for so I wore orange since both teams are orange and since I lived in Phoenix for two and a half years. And the Bobcats actually won–I am so proud of them! 

3) Yelp sponsored brunch at Bistro La Bon.

I’ve heard rave reviews about this restaurant and it’s been on my must-try list for some time. They are a small establishment that offers small, unique plates and use food that is grown/raised locally and they try to make most things from scratch. It’s located in a sketchtastic strip mall along with a kidney dialysis center, Family Dollar, beauty supply story along with vacant areas but when I first walked up to the restaurant, the aroma of eggs and bacon hit me and I knew I was in the right place for a filling Sunday brunch. They have a wonderful selection of brunch goodies such as the standard eggs, bacon and pastries but also some other random bites like swedish meatballs, pot roast, pasta salad (with a kick!), homemade mozzarella with tomato and basil and more. Unlike some other establishments, the selection isn’t overwhelming which is a nice change of pace since I like to go to the buffet line with a plan of attack. Along with the buffet you can order their chocolate waffles, which were fantastic but too savory to eat on my own or their french toast—-this was my favorite. It was in a pool of syrup and melted in my mouth, I like that. My only complaint was that the sweet potatoes and au gratin potatoes seemed a little under cooked and being a carboholic, that brought me down. 

What I didn’t appreciate? When sitting with two couples our waiter started splitting up her bills he said with a raised voice “Oh, so it’s just you, alone?” WTF? After my Papi Chulo Pedro experience, is there something I’m missing? Why is everyone wanting to confirm that I am alone and without man? Seriously, am I missing something here?

4) Good strength training workouts along with cheap workout finds.

I got two resistance bands for $5.50 each at Marshalls, one for me and one for my dad for Christmas 🙂

Saturday-lower body workout with kettlebell (20 lbs)

Plie Squats ( 13 reps, 4 sets)

Squats (13 reps, 4 sets)

One Legged Deadlifts (13 reps, 2 sets)

Donkey Kicks (13 reps, 2 sets)

Leg Lifts (13 reps, 2 sets)

Side Bends (20 reps, 2 sets)

A few sets of planks

Sunday-upper body workout with kettlebell, 15 lb dumbbell and resistance band

Kettlebell-20 lbs

Upright Deltoid Rows (13 reps, 3 sets)

Halos (13 reps, 4 sets)

Shrugs (13 reps, 3 sets)

Lateral Bench Press (13 reps, 3 sets)

Dumbbell-15 lbs

Curls (13 reps, 3 sets)

Tricep Extensions (13 reps, 3 sets)

Shoulder Press (13 reps, 2 sets)

Seated Rear Deltoid Raise (13 reps, 2 sets)

Resistance Band

Curls (13 reps, 3 sets)

Tricep Kickbacks (13 reps, 3 sets)

Lateral Raise (13 reps, 2 sets)

Front Lateral Raise (15 reps, 2 sets)

Shoulder Press (13 reps, 2 sets)

So now both my arms and legs hurt. I didn’t know the resistance bands worked so well. I thought they would be pretty easy to work with and it was a pleasant surprise when I could actually feel it. If anyone has more exercises for resistance bands-please let me know!

5) Simple things that make me happy….like Bravo, Dunkin Donuts and curling up with the new issue of Food Network magazine all at once

6) Trader Joe’s dinner.

 I used my favorite item from TJ’s-Mandarin Orange Chicken along with broccoli, red onions, mushrooms and cauliflower to make an easy meal that will also be one of my lunches this week

7) Discovering Party Down

Sadly, it was canceled after the second season. Hilarious show though, I recommend.

8 ) Lincoln…..but he’s a highlight every day

What was the highlight of your weekend?

Can’t Hardly Wait

5 Aug

 I didn’t have time to make a hearty first meal so it was breakfast on the go with a Kashi Bar and a banana

The interview went well. I knew the person interviewing me so it was a bit informal compared to interviews I had and more like a normal conversation which made me less nervous. To be honest, I don’t think I will get it since I knew some other people who are applying and have more experience than me. Also, I got some more information on the job and I’m not sure if I would want it or not if I was to be offered the position. It would be longer hours, more stress but on the flip side more money, more vacation and a better direction for my career. Basically, I would have to think long and hard about it if I would want to take on the role or not. But I rocked my dress with a cute, chunky green beaded necklace and I think I looked cute. Oh–I didn’t mention how the dress was one  size smaller than I wear huh? I am happy about that alone. Regardless, thanks everyone for your warm wishes 🙂

For lunch, I had Quizno’s Choose Two with the Honey Mustard Chicken Salad and Steak Melt Sammie

I was jonesing for some take out when I got home and couldn’t make up my mind between the two usual suspects: Pizza or Chinese Food so I decided to save some money and calories by making home-made Chinese food

Chinese Noodles with zucchini, mushrooms, sweet pepper, green onions with Trader Joe’s Mandarin Orange Chicken (no sauce) with a few tbsp General Tso’s Sauce. Just like the real thing!

I had a sweet workout session afterwards. I got my workout clothes on while  the food was cooking so I wouldn’t have any reason not to work out (except pure laziness of course!)

Kettlebell-20 lbs

Side Bends (20 reps, 2 sets)

Halos (13 reps, 2 sets)

Swings (13 reps, 4 sets)

Squats (13 reps, 2 sets)

Dumbbell-15 lbs

Close Grip Dumbbell Bench Press (13 reps, 1 set)

Dumbbell Bench Press  (13 reps, 2 sets)

Shoulder press (12 reps, 2 sets)

Curls (13 reps, 2 sets)

Dumbbell 10 lbs

Tricep Dumbbell Kickbacks  (13 reps, 3 sets)

Reverse Fly (12 reps, 2 sets)

Front Lateral Raise (13 reps, 2 sets)

I didn’t get my heart rate up the way I thought I did but all in all, it was a good workout. On a unrelated note, I think I pulled my butt muscle and it hurts!

I had a post workout snack -green monster bowl with NutriBiotic Chocolate Rice Protein, almond milk, baby spinach, xanthan gum, a drizzle of mint chocolate syrup and chocolate peppermint shavings

Hope everyone is having a Happy Thursday! Is it wrong if I don’t really have plans any night this weekend and kind of excited for that? I just want to snuggle up with Lincoln, watch my Netflix and veg. I can’t wait.

Do you want the real answer or the fake one?

30 Jul

Today was yet another hellacious day at work. We had three people off and it’s month end, which is always the busiest day of the month for us. My phone was ringing non stop, my email box was never empty and I was just struggling to stay on top of everything all day along with helping others on my team. People would call me and ask how I was doing since they knew about our understaffed team for the day and I would just reply “Do you want the real answer or the fake one?” Of course everyone wanted both answers

Fake answer- “I’m super fabulous!”

Real answer- “I want to crawl into a fetal position with a bottle of wine”

But it’s all over with (for now) and I can go in this wknd and catch up on things. Okay and get some time and a half-pay in the meantime (which will be going towards Lincoln’s boarding in a few wks when I go to Phoenix or some snazzy digs for me!)

The day started off questionable, I slept in late (yay!) but woke up to a text from my ex boyfriend from college (boo!)

I found my “Keep Austin Weird” mug that I got four years ago when I visited for a weekend. I loved Austin so much and would love to go back. Sso if any of you ever want to me to stay with you, let me know, will be over ASAP and I will bring Trader Joe’s goodies since you have the Whole Foods mothership!

I think I was going for overeasy eggs but it was kind of a fail in that aspect but still tasty.

I mixed it up (pun intended) with a Venti shaken Iced Green Tea.Lemonade with two splendas—tasty as well! I didn’t know refills of these were only $.55, when did that happen??

As busy as it as this morning (understatement of the year), I forced myself to take a short lunch break and visit my hippies and stop by Chick Fil A to buy a pakcet of their Fat Free Honey Mustard. This stuff is laced with southern goodness crack. I wish they would start selling it in stores because I will walk to Chick Fil A and offer to buy a few packets but they give it to me for free. Then I feel bad about it since they are always so nice about it and say “My pleasure”, which is what I totally to say to people at work when I am super busy and it’s more in a facetious tone

All that produce for $6, I love my hippies!

With that, I had a BIG salad for lunch with romaine, mushrooms, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, ham, onion and tuna salad with my beloved fat free honey mustard. Seriously, if you haven’t tried their FF honey mustard, please do-it’s out of this world!

Anyone remember that tv show? I used to love watching it and dearly miss the fashion of the late 80’s

A late afternoon sugar rush is always necessary on a bad day. Swedish fish are the bane of my existence.

By the time I got off work, I had zero mental energy. I just wanted to get home, change into my comfy clothes and zone out. After reading Monique’s post about having home-made take out the other night, I knew that was going to be the meal plan for the night!

My favorite Trader Joe’s product of ALL time—Mandarin Orange Chicken. If you haven’t tried this, it really does taste like something you would get when eating out (if not better)

While that was baking, I cooked up some quinoa and red pepper, onion and zucchini…..and voila—home made take out!

Hope everyone’s weekend is off to a great start! I took a huge nap after dinner so I am all out of whack time wise right now.

Lost :(

23 May

I can’t believe Lost is over for good tonight. Since there is stuff on from 7P to Midnight, I had to take a two-hour nap this afternoon so I could stay awake—no way I am missing this! 

A pretty boring wknd all in all. Payday isn’t until Friday so I am kinda waiting on that since I paid more than I normally do on my credit card. I hate having all this time to do stuff but no money–sucks. 

I started yesterday with eggs in a hole with yellow apple slices on the side. 



I was pretty bored plus it was overcast out so I decided to go into work to catch up from being off on Friday and of course, get some OT pay 🙂  Anywho, I knocked out all of my emails from Friday plus a bunch of stuff I needed to review. I even applied for some other jobs and it felt good to be caught up. I will definitely be catching the late bus tomorrow since I won’t be going to bed until 1A or so. Ay Chihuahua. 

Yes, that would be Lincoln napping in my arms like a baby.

But happy times were soon near—the hippies were out! I didn’t have a lot of cash on me so only got a few things. 


I had a late lunch –I brought a California Pizza Kitchen Personal Size Margherita Pizza. 



I got home and pretty much just lounged around the rest of the night. 

I was reading The Auspicious Squirrel and saw that she made Pasta Primavera a few wks ago and  been wanting to make it (or a variation) ever since. I usually make tacos or asian stir fry with all my fresh veggies but never really thought to do it Italian style. 

I made mine with Farfalle Pasta, Chicken, Homemade Pesto, Zucchini, Tomato, Mushrooms, Onions topped with a dallop of Greek Yogurt and Feta Cheese. 





FANTASTIC! I loved this and was nice to have a cold pasta for a change. 

 I fell asleep at 9P because I’m lame then woke up, cleaned the kitchen, did laundry and watched some tv. I had dessert of Skinny Cow Chocolate Fudge Brownie single portion 



This morning, I was gearing up to go on a walk and possibly a run and made a waffle and egg breakfast sandwich using Nature’s Path Original Flax Plus Waffles. 




I went for a two-mile walk  which was frustrating. Both my knee and ankle were killing me so I had to stop after that but wanted to do more. I tried running a little but my body did not want to roll with that. Why is my body acting against me now? For years, I was lazy, ate horribly and just a mess and now I want to be active, be healthier, etc. and I keep having this issues. Annoying to say the least. 

I went to the pool for two hours and caught up with some friends there and by the time I got back in, I was starving! I made black bean quesadillas topped with avocado for lunch. 



I saw that Naomi made these SuperCharge Me Cookies the other day and noticed I had the ingredient list in my kitchen and have been itching to make them! I used whole wheat flour and didn’t have any coconut on me but threw in some extra raisins in there instead. It took less than five minutes to mix and made 12 big cookies. 



 Try this cookie recipe now! It was awesome, moist  and flavorful. I put in a few extra dashes of cinnamon and really enjoyed the flavor of that along with the vanilla, raisins and chocolate.  My shadow was by my side also waiting for a taste 


After that I took my nap, I grabbed a Diet Mountain Dew so I could jolt my system to wake up for Lost. 


Dinner time was nearing and I had one of my favorite meals for a night of one of my favorite shows. I made Trader Joe’s Mandarin Orange Chicken with bok choy, mushrooms, onions and snap peas. 



And that’s it. I am absolutely loving this Lost Flashback of all the moments in Lost history. I cannot wait to see what happens tonight!!

Hippies+ Hummus =Happiness

14 May

Hey all-the wknd is here-woo hoo!! I racked up nine hours of OT this wk so suffice to say, I’m happy this wk is over. Let’s go over some eats and things from the past two days. And on a side note, having MAJOR issues with Photobucket and my pictures tonight and am slowly going crazy.

I had a savory bowl of oats yesterday at work with a baked apple and chunky  peanut butter. This was one of the jars of Crazy Richards that I won and really don’t eat pb too much (blasphemy I know) so I decided to take it into work and add into my daily breakfast routine.

Yesterday was crazy busy….I’m  talking ridiculously crazy busy. On average, I will close 50 to 60 trades but yesterday—-117. WTF?  So more than double that I normally do and still kept my sanity (somewhat). Sucks though because it was an absolutely beautiful day and I felt cute.

Really digging this whole wearing skirts business, why did I go so long without wearing skirts?

Another BIG Salad for lunch (I am really die hard about celebrating National Salad Month) with baby spinach,carrots, mushrooms, tomato and chicken salad that I made the night before. I usually chop the chicken but mixed celery, onion and chicken in the food processor and the consistency was like KFC’s cole slaw (one of my most favorites ever) and I loved it. I topped with T Marzetti’s Honey Balsamic.

I needed an afternoon pick me up which could only mean one thing—half priced frapp! Due to the bad day, I went all out……Grande Coffee Frapp with whipped cream and caramel drizzle–awww yeah

I went to Copper last night with my networking group. I’ve only had Indian food once before and had anything involving curry so I was a little weary to try it again but was pleasantly surprised. I was in MAJOR need of an alcoholic beverage and went with King Fisher Premium Lager (x3)

We started out with naan (which I loved and could eat all day long) and various dips such as a mint and cilantro chutney, yogurt with carrots and another orange jellyish one that tasted like duck sauce. I had to stop myself from gorging on that alone because in my book beer and bread is totally a legit meal.

I was going to go with the tiki masala but ended up getting a spiced duck dish which was marvelous

 I just love when food is also artwork. All in all, good times had by all! It was nice to get out and try something different for once. I can’t wait until I move since it won’t take me a good half hour just to get to places like this restaurant (which is conveniently located in the neighborhood I am moving to).

I was completely dragging this morning but had the light of the tunnel which is the wknd in mind so I rallied and pulled through.

I tried out my Liberte Yogurt-Plum and Walnut for breakfast.

I added banana, coconut granola and unsweetened coconut to it

The one thing I forgot? A spoon to eat it with. So I had to eat yogurt with a plastic fork. Good times.

I got a little break in work today so not terribly busy but not peaceful but I did get some good buys from my hippies

Their cilantro bunches were only $1 and it’s all I could smell the rest of the day. I loved it.

I polished off the last of my hummus which was bittersweet.


I had a weakass lunch of chicken, cheese, rice and tomato. Such a shame to because it looked pretty. I ate everything but the rice, it just tasted nasty.

I stopped at Trader Joe’s on the way home and picked up their Kalamata Olive Hummus

I took a much-needed nap when I get home and had dinner around 830P which is super late for me. I had Trader Joe’s Mandarin Orange Chicken with peppers, onions, zucchini, mushrooms and peas.

And a funny flick for my entertainment

I was planning on catching up on blogs tonight other than that but this post has taken me two hours to post so now I’m extremely frustrated. And I’m waking up at 7A tomorrow so yeah, I need rest.

I’m not irish but kiss me anyways!

17 Mar

Happy St. Patricks Day party people! I love how a majority of people I saw today were wearing green. I think we as a society should incorporate that more…like on Earth Day, wear green. Memorial Day, yellow (like the ribbons), Valentine’s, red or pink and so on. But not mandatory because if something is mandatory, I don’t want to do it because authority and I don’t mesh well.

Of course the people I work with weren’t wearing green because they are festive and lame. Suffice to say, I wasn’t surprised.

Every wonder why people who don’t wear green on St. Patricks Day get pinched? It started in the early 1700s in the Boston area—They thought if you wore green  it made you invisible to the leprechauns because leprechauns would pinch anyone they could see. So the pinching is to warn peeps about the leprechauns out there.

I love learning new things but personally the only leprechaun that freaks me out is this one

I would have loved a GREEN monster this morning but unfortunately it came out more of a brown hue.

Ok so the picture is a lie because there it looks quite green but for real, it was not. I was hesitant about trying it and wanted to mix it up a bit so decided to make a fruit based green monster instead of my am iced coffee one. It was just alright but I definitely think there is some potential! I mixed baby spinach, V8 Light Fusion, Soy Milk, ice, frozen strawberries and some splenda. The flavor didn’t pop out too much so maybe will add more juice or something protein powder next time around. I am almost out of my chocolate whey and debating whether to try vanilla or strawberry flavored protein next.

If anyone has any suggestions on brands and flavors-hook a sister up please let me know what kinds you like best!

I got my gold card from Starbucks in the mail today and now have a coupon for a free drink. I think I will save this for Friday or this wknd for a special drink. I never get the frou-frou drinks at Starbucks, just regular coffee so I think this will be a frou frou drink. Maybe an iced Carmel Macchiato or Skinny Cinnamon Dolce latte? The possibilities are endless! I love that Starbucks has this rewards program now. I always thought they should have this especially for what they are charging for their coffee.

I had avocado that I wanted to use so I made a breakfast wrap with one scrambled egg, mushroom, shredded cheese and half an avocado on a whole wheat wrap-delish!

We were super busy today so again, another day flies by and I am happy. Lunch was leftovers of Barilla whole wheat pasta, onions, mushrooms, artichokes and turkey sausage tossed in evoo.

I came home and wanted chinese, so I decided to make my own! Mushrooms, asparagus, onions and bamboo shoots cooking in soy sauce with ginger and black pepper.

I cooked Trader Joe’s Mandarin Orange Chicken in the oven while that was cooking and served over a bed of rice.

Holy close up!

Tonight, I’m just hanging in.

Now, for my drama. As you all know, I hate my job. I don’t like waking up in the morning, cry when I am at work (most days), am not “myself” when I am there and feel like I am at a dead-end. I transferred to Charlotte with my company and that was three in a half years ago. In that time, I have gotten title promotions and pay raises but still in the same position. That is the part I get depressed about. I cannot do the same function I have been doing for three and a half years anymore and seriously feel like a trained monkey can do my job. So the past two weeks, I have been looking for jobs in other cities where I have friends because I have made none here. I was starting to accept the idea of taking a job I would enjoy more but as much as it would suck, probably pay less. Yay, so that’s worked out and I can explore something that suits me better right? Wrong.

My parents have been helping me with one of my student loans while I pay the other one. They have really taken a hit with the economy and other financial issues and can’t afford to pay it anymore. So that’s another bill to worry about each month. I can budget my money just fine (I was actually in the USA Today two summers ago in an article about saving money and living frugally) and have cut many corners in the past. But now with this payment, I am not sure how many more corners I can cut. I don’t have cable tv, rarely go out and drink or party like I used to, shop at thrift stores for the most part,  go longer without getting my hair done among other things. I make good money for a single girl my age and all but it is just frustrating the amount I see go into my checking after 401K, health care, taxes, savings acct and bills. I just don’t know what more I can do.

I also wish I was more financially secure to help my parents out because that’s the least I owe them for everything. It’s out of my hands and is frustrating. That paired up with me being so unhappy with my job and location, I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. This is just bringing me down so much I don’t know what to do. All of friends are in different cities so it’s not like I can talk to them in person or go out and have fun. ARRRRRGH! I just need to vent and need to figure something out because I am not an unhappy person and cannot do this much longer.

Anyways, I need to get a full night’s sleep so I am attempting to take some nyquil and pass out. For your partiers out there—be safe tonight!

I don’t want to be a spooner

11 Mar

So…..I may have taken another day off from work. I may not be physically sick but was in total need of mental health days and I feel better. I would love to be a lady of leisure but think I would go crazy after a week with it being just me and Lincoln. Back to work tomorrow though and then the wknd–yay!!

I completely forgot that I had these in my pantry! I bought them about a couple months ago when @ Trader Joe’s when I saw it on the new items rack. I took them out, may have had a few and even took a picture with good intentions but while my oats were cooking just wasn’t feeling it.

I went with a banana, unsweetened coconut, flax and almond butter instead.

Suffice to say, I wasn’t disappointed with the outcome 🙂

 I had a random but filling lunch–3 Chicken Strips from Chick Fil A . Thanks to the free coupon for March in their calendar-does anyone else get this each year? It’s such a good deal and I get it every year from my parents for Christmas.

Salad with baby spinach, mushrooms, tomato and T Marzetti Light Balsamic

And a side of avocado—I love just slicing it and eating it as is.

I went for a short 1.5 mile run on the greenway. I wanted to go some more but didn’t want to hurt or strain anything two days before the 5K because with my luck, I would hurt something. Greenway during the week is so peaceful, I maybe saw six other people on there.

I made a green monster with soy milk, baby spinach and chocolate whey afterwards and it turned out a tad chunky for my liking and for the first time, had to use a spoon with it.

Pretty interesting since Monica from Run Eat Repeat posted an entry  today asking if you use a straw or spoon with regards to smoothie consumption today.Mhy thoughts on spooning? I didn’t like this at all and now know, I am a straw girl at heart.

I caught up on some reading and munched on Kettle Brand  Sea Salt and Vinegar Chips (I could eat these every day)

Then Lincoln and I got comfy to watch Oprah. I cannot stand Oprah but Michael Pollan was on and talking about Food Inc. and I wanted to catch it!

If you would like your own copy of Food, Inc. for super cheap click here–Amazon.com is offering it for $9.99 until 11:59P on March 17th along with a downloadable version once you purchase the DVD.

The little ball of love

He clearly did not want to be bothered.

For dinner, I made Trader Joe’s Mandarin Orange Chicken. I LOVE this stuff!!! It is so easy and flavorful but haven’t had it in a while so decided it was time to bring it back!

 I am not a huge rice person so instead I serve over a bed of veggies and have to eat with chopsticks. When something is super yummy to me, I always use chop sticks to slow myself down. If not, I will down it within seconds.

Veggies cooking with ginger, red pepper flakes, black pepper, low sodium soy sauce and Sriracha

I scooped 1.5 cups (liberal with the orange sauce because it is liquid crack) over the veggies and voila!

Hope everyone is having a lovely evening!