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Love is the best ingredient

31 Jul

After the sucky drive from Charlotte to South Florida, I was stoked to see a package waiting for me at home.

Love Grown sent me some of their granola to try. I like granola, trying new things and free stuff so score!

Since I’ve seen them all over the blogosphere and I love supporting the smaller businesses out there.but I wanted to see what they were about.

From their website:

Love Grown Foods is a company that was formed to create delicious foods made with pure and simple ingredients that ALSO encourages you to live a healthy and active lifestyle that you love. We are founded on the beliefs that you should be able to pronounce every ingredient in a product and that food should be nutritious and healthy while also tasting great! As a company, we are determined to be a part of the movement towards the use of purer products with wholesome ingredients that are also affordable.

Here at LOVE GROWN FOODS, we take pride in the fact that all of our recipes are made with LOVE! Our bold flavors and wholesome ingredients reflect our own desires to live healthy and active lives while still enjoying great tasting foods. A healthy diet is one that is free of added chemicals, and it is for this reason we strive to LIVE FREE!

  • Free of Refined Sugar
  • Free of High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • Free of Trans Fats
  • Free of Hydrogenated Oils
  • Free of Artificial Flavors
  • Free of Preservatives
  • Free of Gluten
  • Free of Genetically Modified Ingredients

This definitely spoke to my inner hippie. Plus I think it’s pretty cool they put it out there on their website they they encourage those to live a healthy life that you love compared to some other companies who offer products that appear to be healthy but when you read the ingredient list, can’t pronounce any of them.

The first one I tried was the Sweet Cranberry Pecan

This was the perfect combination of sweet and tart. It was tasty cold but think it would be better warmed up in the cooler months (which I hopefully will be seeing in the fall because I know Florida won’t have any that fit my standard) However, I love the coconut slivers in it and soon realized that all the ones they sent me had coconut in them!

Apple Walnut Delight was next

This was my favorite-it was light, crisp and flavorful. Plus, the walnuts make me feel like I’m eating something naughty but not so much. Tres deceitful!

Raisin Almond Crunch was the last one on the list

It was a little skimpy at first so I added blueberries to beef it up a bit. I love the whole almonds in them and of course, the coconut.

And I got some mini bags to take with me on my travels. I can’t wait to dig into the Cocoa Goodness!

The 12 oz. bags of granola go for $4.99, you can order online or find in a store near you.  I’ve never seen it any stores before (just on the blogosphere with everyone and their mom reviewing it) but you can search on their website to see what stores near you carry it (I didn’t see any  see any in South Florida) For me personally, the price is a little steep for granola but a bag lasted me a week so this would be an indulgence for me to buy since I’m a frugal girl. However when looking at other granolas, Love Grown seems to be less in calories and fat and of course, made with the good stuff including the best ingredient of all: Love.


Thank you Love Grown for giving me the chance to try your granola!

Are you a granola fan?

Do you buy granola or make your own? I tend to buy mine from the bulk bins at Fresh Market, Whole Foods, Earth Fare and similar stores.