Archive | 10:58 pm

Stimulating the economy

16 Jun

Hi all! It’s 10:30pm and I am finally getting some down time. My time has been filled with packing and some fun. Shall we?

I was craving bar food like whoa last night. I didn’t want to go out and still need to go through stuff in my fridge so why not make something at home, right? I found a lone container of crescent rolls sitting in my fridge and I couldn’t even remember when I bought them or for what purpose. I’m not the kind of girl who will just buy crescent rolls since I could probably down seven or eight in a sitting and we just don’t need that.

I also had some Cracker Barrel Extra Sharp Cheese and Tyson Grilled & Ready Chicken and there you have the ingredients of dinner.

I sprinkled two crescent rolls with Penzey’s Mural of Flavor then threw in the chicken and cheese and wrapped up

Kinda, I really didn’t have a set plan on how I was going to make these and just tried to get them to stay together as a roll.

I also threw some kale, extra virgin olive oil, pepper and garlic together to make kale chips while that was cooking. They had the same cook time of about 15 minutes so it worked out perfectly.

Complete with some Chick Fil A Fat Free Honey Mustard for dipping. Yum.

Today, I helped boost the economy. I had a thrift store + lunch date with one of a new friend. What’s up with me meeting fabulous people right as I’m about to leave Charlotte? Can we say dislike?

We went to Mac’s Speedshop. Mac’s holds a special place in my heart. Mac’s holds a special place in my heart because it was one of the first restaurants I went to when I first moved to Charlotte and when out of towners ask where they should eat when they visit Charlotte, Mac’s is my answer.

And then when we were looking through the menu (which I just pretend to do since I get the same thing 99% of the time), it hit me that it would be my last time at Mac’s.

Farewell, Little Pig sandwich with a side of mac n cheese. We’ve had some good times together and will miss you dearly.

This is exactly how I want to remember you and your meaty goodness.

When I got home, Lincoln could send that I had some delicious for lunch. Sorry, little dog, no meat for you.

But let’s get back to me stimulating the economy today. I can’t say no to a deal and it all started with Big Lots.

I really don’t need these in the house but for $1, I needed to try these since Almond Joy is one of my all time favorite candies

Like little chocolate and coconut M&M’s….only better. This is what heaven tastes like.

I found some other good deals:

Can you tell I’m a wee bit obsessed with this anti aging stuff?

We went to Value Village to find some new threads. I am well aware I’m trying to get rid of stuff but I wanted to get a few skirts since it’s starting to get steamy out and if I’m going to get some skirts, it’s going to be at the VV.

$2.50. I love the pocket in the front and the inside is a sweatshirt like material!

This purse? Ok, well, it’s probably a bag but I deemed it my new summer purse, only $1.61! I didn’t even find this on my own, I walking to the cash register and saw this in a ladies shopping cart. I ooooohhhhed and ahhhhhhed when I saw it and pet it (because that’s the weird thing I do with purses) and she told me I could have it. I asked her four or five times if she was sure and she insisted so I did a happy dance and  walked away as quickly as I could before she changed her mind.



I’m not a let’s wear a white visor kind of girl but for $1, I definitely get down with it. Plus it will be good to wear on afternoon walks with the Linx so I can get that evil sunlight away from my face.

Now to my two favorite finds of the day:

Do I need brown and orange plaid trimmed shoes? No but they were only $3.50 and went perfectly with a dress I soon found after, also for only $3.50

I can’t wait to rock my $7 outfit!

What kind of moisturizer do you use?
What’s your favorite restaurant of all time—give me details!

Oh, if you are looking for some clothes or other goods, check out my ebay page. I’m selling some of my coworkers clothes and getting rid of other stuff.